Speaking of the right tools, there are a couple of airsoft gun cleaning tools that you will want to be sure and purchase if your gun did not come included with them. The first and arguably most essential airsoft cleaning tool is a barrel cleaning/unjamming rod. In addition to helping you remove BBs that become lodged in your gun's barrel in the event of a jam, this rod also features an attachment point for attaching cleaning patches that will allow you to scrub the inside of your gun's barrel. Cleaning patches can be purchased from any store that sells airsoft supplies, and you can also use cleaning patches that are designed for real-steel firearms if you cut them down to size. Making your own cleaning patches out of an old t-shirt or other piece of fabric is an option as well.

Ultraforce Cleaning Degreaser is a wicked-fast gun action cleaner and degreaser that blasts away hard to reach gunk and grime from the chamber, action, trigger and bolt assemblies, gas ports and more. Foul-Out’s fast acting formula is a polymer safe gun metal grade cleaner and degreaser that is chemically engineered to be fast evaporating and quickly strips away performance hindering grime, burnt powder, oil and grease.